So here we are in the last days of October early November the evenings are getting darker earlier and the temperature is dropping rapidly as the sun goes down.
Monday on the range was a quiet day, a blessing in some ways as it allows us to catch up with cleaning duties, repair work and other such tasks that get put on hold when its busy.
As the day drew to a close the boss decided to close shop early and head off home, following a quick call to my better half I was given the all clear to stay out and play, another text to Bryan to see if he was free was sent and his reply was a yes but he had to wait for his wife to come home from work before he could leave as he was looking after the kids, he should be with me around 9pm.
Once the shutters were down and the alarms set it was still only about 7:15pm, with that in mind I took a slow drive, stopping off for fuel,supplies and a quick bite to eat I rocked up to the permission about 8pm.
Tonight would be a chance to try out the Photon night vision scope that had come in to the shop to be sold, I had already mounted it to my FX Wildcat and had a play zeroing it in while at the range (remember it had been quiet)
Time to get my kit on wrap up warm as tonight was gonna be a cold one, I just hope the bunnies will come out to play. A bit of pre-planning meant that I had thought to take a marker stick with me, pacing out 30yards I planted the stick in the ground, returning to my start position I spent the next few minutes making sure the scope was zeroed to my liking, If you haven't shot with a night sight before either a Photon type or a Screen type it can be difficult to judge distances through a screen.
Happy that the gun and scope are on point i make my way back to the car where I wait for Bryan to arrive, I don't have to wait to long before he turns up. The usual greetings are exchanged, Bryan sets his gun up (BSA R10se with Photon night sight) and with a light step we head out into the fields.
Now as you may have read in my last blog last week I had already reconnoitred the new field, so with that in mind I pointed out the best places for Bryan to settle in and a divide and conquer approach was applied. Leaving Bryan to it I took a wander up the far side of the field away from him with the intention that once I got to the top of the fields I would then herd the rabbits towards Bryan.
Once at the top of the field a quick scan of the fields reveals some eye shines here and there a quick count up totals about twenty rabbits, some are in the next field (I don't have permission for that field) so they get to see another day but it does remind me that i need to drop by the owners house and see if I can get his field on my permission list too.
Back to work though, so with a couple of long shots I try to herd the rabbits towards Bryan, yes well it kind of worked but I have to say its like trying to juggle a handful of frogs. Walking back down the field still juggling, I arrive at my appointed place to settle down and wait. While I was herding, Bryan had moved into position and set himself up ready for the bunnies. Bryan in the shadow of a barn on one side of the field and myself on the other under a small copse of trees. Soon enough with a brief scan with the night vision eye shine was detected three to four of them but as yet all still hiding in the bushes, now with the photon you can use it without the IR torch however these rabbits wouldn't have been seen as the IR is the magic that makes the eyes shine, effectively the rabbit is hidden by the bushes but the IR beam reflects off the eyes giving them away. Patience is a virtue and it pays off when you apply it, a few minutes later two rabbits come to the hedge line and in full view, now again patience will pay off as given time the rabbits feel safer and will eventually venture further out thus bringing them closer to you making the shot a lot easier. Lining up my shot i wait for the rabbit to turn its head side-on, as it does i breath out and squeeze the trigger. I hear the pellet hit home but the rabbit shoots back into the hedgerow the other one darts off across the field but towards Bryan. After a brief search with the night sight I cant see the one in the hedge so I pan across to find the other one, there it was sitting on the hedge line another ten foot further away from me but closer to Bryan. The one thing about shooting with an IR torch is if the other person is also using an IR torch you can see their IR beam, this was the case with this rabbit, I can see Bryan's torch beam on the rabbit and I presume he can see mine. I wait for Bryan to take his shot ............ nothing yet so I wait a little longer. Although Bryan is a little closer its still a good 60yard shot for him and as I said in my last blog Brayn is still quite fresh to the shooting scene, I need to get the rabbit closer for him, the rabbit has settled and is eating the grass again, okay time for action ill take a shot knowing I'm not going to hit it but hopefully scare it closer to Bryan, I let off a shot and sure enough the rabbit flees and it flees toward Bryan, a couple of seconds pass and I can see Bryan's torch beam pointing at the rabbit. He takes his shot but falls short, its obviously further than he thought. The rabbit runs for the hedge but sits just on the edge, another shot and this one hits home but once more the rabbit jumps deeper into the hedge where we cant retrieve it, oh well Mr Fox will eat well tonight. A few more hours pass with little or no sign of further rabbits.
All in all I was happy with the Photon night sight it performed well and gave a clear picture, you can change the reticule design and swap between red,green or white illumination, the vertical and windage adjustment is straight forward to do and adjusting the brightness is just the turn of a button, my one criticism of the scope if I was being very fussy is that the field of view is narrow compared to the Nite Site that I normally use, having said that you get used to it fairly quickly, the advantage over the Nite Site that I use is that you don't get flare back from the screen lighting your face up as you do with the Nite Site. It does eat batteries if you use the IR torch built in so take plenty with you, you get about two to three hours out of two good quality batteries. I'm told that a good rechargeable battery lasts a little longer. My score would be 9 out of 10 only dropping one for the narrow field of view and battery consumption. A good scope and worth spending out on for ease of use and compactness.
Bryan has work the next day so we decide to call I a night as its now about 11o'clock.
All done for another night, time to head home. Hope this blog has kept you entertained and I hope to wright another soon.
Thursday, 2 November 2017
Saturday, 21 October 2017
New Grounds
New Grounds
The other evening while watching television I get a phone call from one of the owners of a permission I shoot on, I try to visit once every couple of weeks and when I do drop by I send him a text just to let him know I am there should he get a phone call from a concerned friend or neighbour, I let him know the next day how I get on just to keep him in the picture. That generally is the extent of the contact I have with him unless I bump into him or his wife when I turn up to the permission, I should explain at this point that the permission is 4acres of horse paddock and I try to keep the bunny numbers down to a minimum, so to get a phone call from the owner is not unheard of but is a rarity.
Fearing the worst (losing the permission) I answered the phone, a cheery voice answers "Hi Rev." Just a quick call to see how your getting on, oh! and to let you know that you can now shoot on the neighbouring 4acres. That's fantastic John, I look forward to a good nights shoot.
John went on to explain to me that his brother-in-law had brought the land next his and as he had rabbit proofed his paddock most of the bunnies were hiding out in his brother-in-law's field. The phone call was to let me know I could now shoot that field as well but also to ask if I could drop by after work to introduce myself to his brother-in-law. Not a problem after all its the least I could do now I have 8acres to shoot on.
The following evening after work and on the way home I dropped by to see John and his brother-in-law, both of them are very easy to talk to and eager for me to shoot those 'pesky wabbits'. After a short chat and a walk of the new grounds I said my farewells and carried on home.
Felling very chuffed with myself and looking forward to the prospect of fulfilling shoot I contacted my only friend and shooting buddy (Bryan) to see if he would like to come out the following evening for a hunt, and yes if you are wondering I did clear it with the owners first. A few moments later my phone pings and there is a message from Bryan. I can almost sense the excitement in his reply (he still fairly new to shooting) Yes he said, he looks forward to it. So we set a time when we will meet up.
The following evening arrives and just before I leave work I make sure my PCP is full on the air gauge, that the zero is still holding on my scope and that I have a tin of pellets the the shoot. Just before I set off a drop Bryan a text to say I'm leaving work and ill see him at the fields when he can get there. While on route to the fields again my phone pings, of course I cant answer it as I'm driving but I guess its an acknowledgement from Bryan.
As I pull up to the fields the sun has long since set and the horses have been put out, its quite dark already so I park up a get myself sorted and ready for the evening. All set and ready to shoot I remember that I had received that message better check that before I set into the field, as I thought it was from Bryan, but not the news I was hoping for, Bryan's daughter had come down with tonsillitis and he was unable to come out to play tonight. Oh well I would just have to shoot by myself tonight, a quick scan of both fields with the night vision told me that most of the activity was up the top end of the fields (as per normal). Off I set slowly staying to the shadows, half way up the field I stop to say hi to the horses so they don't get spooked by me moving around, onwards to the top end of the field ......... while petting the horse I notice some movement further up on a fence post, on closer inspection it turns out to be a barn owl looking for some dinner. I grab my mobile and turn on the nitesite, I managed to get a couple of pictures (not the best quality) before he flew off.
As I arrive a few of the closer ones dart back underground and wait safely out of sight, now as I said previously the first field is rabbit proofed all the way round but we all know what those sneaky rabbits are like and they find their way back in one way or another. A sweep with the night vision and I soon pick up the eye shine of a couple sitting right on the edge of the field, one shot later and one is laying peacefully in the long grass the other is running for his life.
Time to move over to the new ground, I climb over the three bar fence give it a few minutes and then start to make my way back down the field to where they are all sitting eating the grass.
There isn't a lot of cover in this field so I have to stick to the edge as I work my way down the field, once in place and settled I switch the nitesite back on, after a sweep of the lower end I count fifteen rabbits spread out across the field, time to work.
Of course after a couple of shots they wise up and scurry back to the burrows, fifteen minutes later some are brave enough to pop back out, now at this point it pays to be patient if you shoot too soon the rest will run straight back down the burrows, the trick is to wait till they come out just far enough that after a shot the others run but not all go back underground at that's the next one to pick off.
So my evening carries on like this to the point where I get a little board with nobody to chat to, so I decide to call it a night after three hours pack my gear up and head on home.
Total for a short night was four bunnies, two I was unable to retrieve from the hedgerow due to thick brambles the other two I left for the resident fox as he helps me with the job of keeping the rabbit population down.
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
Coffee morning shoot at the range
Our Wednesday coffee morning shoots are really becoming popular now. All ages are welcome, but if you are over 55 there is a reduced lane price of £8 including free tea and coffee.
Gun hire is £9 for an air rifle with 100 pellets or £6 for a pistol. You are welcome to swap your gun during your session and try out lots of different types.
We have finally finished putting in the new target holders. They are much tidier than the funnel traps we were using (not to mention durable).
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Air rifle ballistic clay testing
We are getting a bit better with our videos now, the staff still don't really like talking on camera so we put this one together instead (More to come.... slowly slowly!)These tests were done at our shooting range in Letchworth.
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
Popular budget airguns.
At this time of year loads of people want a cheap airgun for the backgarden, whether it be for basic pest control or for hitting some targets.
Way back in 2015 we reviewed the Hatsan Breaker 900x. It has been going strong ever since with both the wooden and synthetic versions being our most sold air rifle at this price point.
So which one to go for?... Missy has a quick look at both in the quick video below.
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Summer in the shop and range
Summer is here!
With the good weather finally upon us, many of our customers are upgrading their air rifles to get out shooting.As ever, our selection of air rifles can all be tested on the shooting range.
Missy has been re-zeroing the hire guns, including the Daysate Griffin, FX Impact and BSA Ultra XL
Although most of the time she spends adjusting her (now very blue) hair!
As ever, our coffee morning Wednesdays are popular.
The range is undergoing a bit of a sort out at the moment as well, we are currently making new target holders and phasing out the 'catchers'. The plinking targets will remain.
The picture above shows our prototype target catcher amongst the others. Once complete the back of the range should look a lot tidier, making shooting easier.
Our shop has been restocked for the summer, with more targets, bags and guns than ever before!
We have also noticed more of a demand for pistols, with that in mind we have significantly increased the selection in the cabinet.
Our new website will also soon be up and running. Stay tuned. But in the meantime all of our information is at
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Out and about this week
Despite the heat we have been out and about shooting rabbits in the evening. 23 dispatched the other night, with Missy being very pleased with a long 50 yard head shot with her BSA Goldstar.
Not believing in camoflauge! Then again, the rabbits didn't seem to care!
'Sniper Gnome' is always keen to not waste good meat, so all of the rabbits were skinned and gutted ready for the BBQ.
Our terrier has also been having a good snoop around the 'mound' but didn't find anything.
We have now been at our new location for a year and our transition to just air rifles has worked well. With that in mind, we are selling off the last of our shotguns at ridiculously low prices.
From only £10 upwards!!! We need the space for more airguns!
This is just a small selection of our stock. We will be putting more up on our facebook page over the summer. These are collection only and with a shotgun certificate. We won't be posting any of these out to other gun shops (too much on postage at these prices!)
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Great score
Great score yesterday by Lily who on her first attempt with her dads rifle hit a whopping 220 at 10 meters well done Lily
Saturday, 27 May 2017
This week 26 May 2017
This week 26th May 2017
The shooting range just seems to get busier and busier at the moment. All good!
We have had more group use recently, Shuttleworth College had their level 3 countryside management students in to look at firearms laws.
Then the Scouts came in
Also several birthday parties this week.
New guns this week includes the Umarex Colt 7.5" barrel single action. A much longer version of the already popular air pistol (£215).
With the summer coming up, we have stocked up on the Bear Grylls junior airguns. These are from £114.99
Lots going on in the next few weeks. The Sports Hertfordshire "This girl Can" event and the Letchworth festival. Come on down to the range and bring some friends that haven't shot before.
Thursday, 25 May 2017
May Half term
May Half term activities in Letchworth, Hertfordshire.
Bring the kids down to our shooting range in Letchworth, We are open from 10am-8pm Mon-Sat and 10am-4pm Sunday. All ages and abilities welcome. See our website for pricing.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Revs blog -more wildlife
Hello again my flock,
It's been a week or so since my last blog due to work and home life, I've not had the chance to get out and do some pest control. However while at work during the week a gentleman walks in and while we are chatting he tells me he has a rabbit problem, after a short discussion it transpires that he owns 4 acres of land that he keeps horses on and soon to acquire another 4 acres in the near future.
It's been a week or so since my last blog due to work and home life, I've not had the chance to get out and do some pest control. However while at work during the week a gentleman walks in and while we are chatting he tells me he has a rabbit problem, after a short discussion it transpires that he owns 4 acres of land that he keeps horses on and soon to acquire another 4 acres in the near future.
Now as we all know
rabbits love to dig holes, however when these holes are in horse
paddocks it becomes a problem. While the horses are out in the paddock
minding their own business should they step into one of those rabbit
hole I'm told they could fall and break a leg, sadly in a lot of cases
that is the end for poor old Neddy and they have to be dispatched, that
comes and a cost let alone the price of the horse to start with. So my
new friend asks me if I'd like to do some pest control for him, not
wanting to turn down the prospect of a new permission I gladly agree to
see if I can help.
As the perm is en route from work to home I charge my rifle give it a
quick check and rezero on the range at A Different Calibre and head out
to see how bad his rabbit problem is.
On arrival I drop the land owner a quick call to let him know I'm there ( it's good practice and a common courtesy ) he comes over to meet me again and show me the lay of the land, after a quick walk around it is obvious he does indeed have a problem but not as much as his neighbour (who doesn't want me to shoot the rabbits, but his land is the other 4acres soon to be acquired by my perm holder.) Leaving me to it the land owner goes back indoors, with the last light of the day ( a beautiful sunset)
On arrival I drop the land owner a quick call to let him know I'm there ( it's good practice and a common courtesy ) he comes over to meet me again and show me the lay of the land, after a quick walk around it is obvious he does indeed have a problem but not as much as his neighbour (who doesn't want me to shoot the rabbits, but his land is the other 4acres soon to be acquired by my perm holder.) Leaving me to it the land owner goes back indoors, with the last light of the day ( a beautiful sunset)
I set up
my rifle and find a place to settle down. After a short time the light
begins to wain and one by one the bunnies venture out, at this point it
is tempting to pick them off as soon as they hop out into the open, but I
have found it better to wait until they are further out, as you pick
one off the others tend to freeze for a brief moment this may allow you
to pick off another before the run for their warrens. So as the night
went on I managed to get five bunnies in total, not a bad haul for a
couple of hours work.
While moving about the perm I decide to attach my Viper nite site as
it's quite dark now, it's amazing just how much you can see using your
eyesight that has adjusted to the dark, once fitted I scan the hedgerow
looking for that tell tale eye shine ......... nothing, where have they
all gone ?, my experience tells me generally something is on the prowl
and the rabbits have run for cover, sure enough as I pan across the
field there it is, a large fully grown badger, snuffling away at the
ground. Grabbing my phone from my pocket I take a few snap shots of the
badger via my Viper nite site screen and some film footage.
it's great to watch it sniffing the ground then pulling great big worms out with its teeth
, the amount he was getting was amazing to watch.
After a
short time I left it to continue to feed thinking to myself I should do
the same, maybe not worms but there should be something in the cupboard
at home to stop my stomach from rumbling.
Till the next time my flock, may your hand be steady and your shot be true.
Till the next time my flock, may your hand be steady and your shot be true.
Friday, 19 May 2017
Airgun Tuning and custom work
Drop your airgun off with us at A Different Calibre for a complete tune and service. Ask our staff for further details.
1st Knebworth Scout group air rifle shooting
We had a group in from the 1st Knebworth Scout Group last night. Always happy to sort out group discounted rates for the Scouts and other organisations. Ask us for details.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Shuttleworth College Visit A Different Calibre
Shuttleworth College visit us
3 Countryside students enjoyed a “behind the scenes” tour at A
Different Calibre, Letchworth, courtesy of former Shuttleworth College
countryside student of the year, Stuart Manley.
They learnt about firearms legislation, gun licensing and firearm safety before handling a variety of air rifles, shotguns and hand guns – linking them to the appropriate uses in the game management module being studied e.g. control of pest & predators.
The students then visited the shop to discuss and compare the various types of ammunition used in the different firearms and then headed off to the range. This is a very light and airy venue with ample space and target types/distances for all of them to take aim and practice handling and using some of the air rifles and hand guns.
Many found it addictive, even if never having tried it before, so the morning soon passed and we were all heading back to college in time for lunch.
We hope to return soon to improve our aim and challenge ourselves further.
See the link to check it out!
They learnt about firearms legislation, gun licensing and firearm safety before handling a variety of air rifles, shotguns and hand guns – linking them to the appropriate uses in the game management module being studied e.g. control of pest & predators.
The students then visited the shop to discuss and compare the various types of ammunition used in the different firearms and then headed off to the range. This is a very light and airy venue with ample space and target types/distances for all of them to take aim and practice handling and using some of the air rifles and hand guns.
Many found it addictive, even if never having tried it before, so the morning soon passed and we were all heading back to college in time for lunch.
We hope to return soon to improve our aim and challenge ourselves further.
See the link to check it out!
Friday, 12 May 2017
This girl can 2017
Join us for the Hertfordshire "This Girl Can..." week. Come and try air
rifle shooting. £14 per person for a one hour intro session. We are
taking bookings now. Phone for more information.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Lots of Wildlife. Rev's Blog.
Rev's blog
Given an early finish at work and a permission on the way home I decided to pop over and see how the local bunny population was fairing, on arrival it was still light so I had set myself up for a long wait before said bunnies would come back out , much to my surprise they just kept coming back out each time I took a shot. Five bunnies later and I called it a night happy knowing that I had reduced the numbers as asked by the owner ( they are making a right mess of his very large garden). Two nights later I thought I'd try my luck again, once more I arrived in daylight to see around 15-20 rabbits all out digging up the lawn, once settled I noticed there seemed to be more young than older rabbits, At first I wasn't sure why but the rabbits seemed more reluctant to return to the lawn, as night fell and the light failed I decided to stay a bit longer and use the 'nitesite', once set up a quick scan of the garden showed a few rabbits, their eyes glowing bright in the beam of the ir torch. Two unlucky rabbits later I find myself on the move to try the other side of the large garden, when I say garden it's about the size of a football pitch.Once more I'm sweeping the hedgerow on the hunt for the tell tale eye shine, I pick up on some movement waiting quietly the eye shine starts to walk towards me at this point I realised it wasn't a rabbit remember I said it walked toward me, thinking quickly I grabbed my iPhone and flicked on the camera what followed was a mixture of a balancing act, wonderment and frustration, balancing my iPhone trying to get still pictures and video footage the frustration of that and trying to get it in focus but above all sheer delight as a muntjac deer came within ten foot of me and only realised I was there when my coat brushed against a wall I was near.
The muntjac fearing man turned tail and ran, not thinking the night could get any better I moved once more back to see if the rabbits had returned. Once more sweeping the hedgerows I spotted two big bright eyes this time a fox, no wonder the rabbits were scarce, while watching the fox I hear noise to my right panning right another set of eyes, this time a badger. This could be interesting .......
the badger seems in a playful mood running here and there bouncing about, the fox nose to the ground nose in the air slowly slowly one step at a time getting closer and close to the badger.
Once more a fumble for my phone hoping not to scare either of them away, iPhone in place record button pressed just a case of waiting to see what nature will unfold, this time I wasn't going to disturb them, closer still they got to each other surely they will make contact, as it happens they walk straight past each other neither seeing hearing or smelling the other, happy there wasn't a conflict but at the same time a mild disappointment. Enough excitement for one night, I pack up my stuff and drive home knowing I have some reasonable pictures given the juggling / balancing and that next time I may see them again.
Watch this space I'll let you know what happens next time .
Thursday, 27 April 2017
This week 28th March 2017
This Week 28.4.2017
First off. We are closed this bank holiday Monday. Open Saturday and Sunday as normal.
A few new toys in this week!
A few new toys in this week!
The Air Arms Galahad is now on our hire wall for anyone to try out on the shooting range.

Featuring an unusual cocking lever, it's bullpup design is very different to other air rifles on the market.
There's been a lot of shooting around the chicken coops this week with over 20 rats being taken out... our new cockeral 'Buddy' looks very pleased.
In fact we have too many at the moment... if anyone would like a cockeral (as a pet and not for eating..they are too stringy for that anyway) let us know.
For the kids... we have a couple of classics back in stock.
The Crosman Pumpmaster comes in pink or black and is ideal for the younger shooter. (cheap as well).
We also have some full size break barrels in stock at only £69.99. Whilst the camo pattern might not be to everyones taste, at this price you can't be to fussy! In .22 this basic B2 air rifle from SMK does the job.
On the range... It's getting busy now especially at weekends. Always an idea to book ahead if you can. Our number is 01462 674861
We also have restocked our pistols this week, with the classic Crosman 2240 back in.

CO2 powered single shot. At only £96!
The leaderboard will be cleared on Sunday.... last chance to get on there for this month. You now need 237 out of 250 to beat Stuart!
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