Previously I had been using a Hawke foregrip with LED light and laser combo, now it's time for something else.
NiteSite have recently bought out their new range of night vision scope attachements. Unlike others these output to a monitor that sits on the top of the scope and actually gives you the scope picture. It's quite a strange way of shooting, rather than looking down the scope it's heads up looking at the monitor. Our first thought was that this was going to be awkward, but after getting used to the positioning it's really easy to use.
The set up looks quite top heavy as well, but it's actually a very light weight bit of kit and barely noticable.
It takes a little bit of adjustment to get the scope picture right, but with practice the whole unit can be fitted in minutes (Nite site claim 1 minute, but I have yet to do this)
The picture on the monitor is clear and the IR torch at the front of the screen lights up a huge area. It is also adjustable so you can get the light level right on screen.
Lazy Shooting
A couple of our customers volunteered to come out and test the whole set up rat shooting down at my chicken pens. They both agreed that it is very 'lazy shooting'
You can take a nice seated position, watch the screen and drink beer (which is exactly what we did).
Again the semi-auto action was well recieved and the accuracy so good that no one realised that the barrel was in fact smooth bore.
It would be better perhaps to have a bipod or shooting stick at the front of the gun for this type of shooting. Maybe even a table or stack of boxes so you can be even more lazy!
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The image you get on the monitor is as good as it gets. I would like to have shown one that we were using but forgot my output leads. The nite site viper doesn't have a recording facility itself but does allow you to plug in external recording devices with a 3.5mm jack.
It was quite cold last night with frost forming before midnight, and we were all impressed that this didn't affect the batteries on the Nite Site or on the gun.
The monitor allows for 'back seat shooting'. We sat behind watching as the targets were lined up. The rats were not being co-operative last night and were mocking us, ducking under a ridge and behind some boxes. Despite the coaxing ("Come on you little $%8*....out you come), it took a while to get them.
Anyway. The cold killed my camera batteries so no video, but we will be going out again soon as there are always rats down at my chicken coops.
Thanks to Graham and Tom for coming out and having a laugh.
Nite Site Viper is available now.
Evanix GTL480S. We have a small delivery coming into the UK hopefully before Christmas. If you want one put your deposit down quickly.
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