Saturday, 6 August 2016

R-10 SE ratting
Our team are now really enjoying getting out and doing a bit of shooting off the range after work. 

We are really liking the new BSA R10 SE here at the shooting range so we decided to take one out ratting at the chicken coops this evening. 

My car (big old jeep commander) isn't the cleanest and my passengers tend to wipe their feet before getting out, but it's a fine workhorse. Got in after work... Staff team ready loaded and waiting for me.. .. Nasty stench of know who you are😁and you can't blame the pizza we had! It's been a hot day though, so no problem driving with the windows open! 

After feeding the chickens we had to patch up the coops. It's amazing just how much damage rats can cause. An hour later we settled into our usual spot to thin out the numbers.

We had equipped the R10 with a Tracer 200 LED torch mounted to the scope, and used a red filter kit with it. As always our ammo of choice are the Predator Polymags in .22 calibre. We also had 2 Nitesite Vipers out with us tonight which are amazing pieces of kit. 

The R10 performed really well, knocking over rats at 30 yards and these things are  hard to hit, hiding under the sheds and dashing about. The new silencer system works really well (not quite as good as my custom carbon fibre but close!) and the shot placement is very consistent. 

The one we have been using has the camo stock and is in .22, this can be hired to have a go with on our airgun range. The stock is also available in traditional wood, black tactical and 'pepper' laminate. It's fully regulated and the large bottle means you get 250 shots per fill out of it. 

'Sniper Gnome's' idea of using a tin of mackerel to bait them didn't really work, especially as he forgot to bring a tin opener and hitting it with a hammer meant we all got covered in fish oil (more smells!) 
Still our total for tonight was 10 confirmed kills so all in all a good night out. 
Hopefully reducing the rat population will give our new chicks a chance. Back to the farm next week to clear out the grain barns as harvest has now started. 

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