Saturday 10 September 2016

Nitesite Rtek


We have been big fans of the Nitesite range for a while now and have been using their basic systems out in the field with excellent results. Recently I have managed to 'aquire' the new RTEK version which has an integrated recording system (micro SD card) and a wi-fi hotspot with mobile app.

The new model has some nice features which set it apart from the standard. Having used the standard for a long time now it is a definite improvement.

First of all, the new camera has it's focus on the outside of the case. Before you would have to remove the camera from the scope and play with it until you got it set just right (although once done it was fine). The new dial means you can set it up on the fly, which is handy if (like me) you use a variety of different guns and scopes.

The screen now has a dimming function which is nice as the only control the old one has is to turn the IR up or down, On full this can be a bit blinding in the pitch black, so it's good to have this feature.

The main upgrade is the recording function. The old one needed an external DVR of some sort which added to the kit you might need to carry, so this integrated system is worthwile if you want to record..... however.... why would you want to? (unless your blogging etc).

The WIFI is a bit of overengineering. It sends out a signal to a phone or tablet so your view can be seen by someone else.... again.. why? Theres one farmer I know who might want to watch what we are up to... but live? The signal range isn't too far either. I would like to hear of anyone who has used this for anything useful.

Here it is in action.
First video we used it to test some Crosman Pirahna pellets in ballistic clay. Second is last nights rat hunt (17 in total!)

The Rtek is great if you need to record, but it's not that much better than the standard Nitesite for practical purposes. Costwise £450 for the standard, or £750 for the Rtek. That's a real difference in price and unless you need the new features (which are really good) the standard model will do just fine.

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