Wednesday 3 May 2017

Lots of Wildlife. Rev's Blog.

Rev's blog

Given an early finish at work and a permission on the way home I decided to pop over and see how the local bunny population was fairing, on arrival it was still light so I had set myself up for a long wait before said bunnies would come back out , much to my surprise they just kept coming back out each time I took a shot. Five bunnies later and I called it a night happy knowing that I had reduced the numbers as asked by the owner ( they are making a right mess of his very large garden). Two nights later I thought I'd try my luck again, once more I arrived in daylight to see around 15-20 rabbits all out digging up the lawn, once settled I noticed there seemed to be more young than older rabbits, At first I wasn't sure why but the rabbits seemed more reluctant to return to the lawn, as night fell and the light failed I decided to stay a bit longer and use the 'nitesite', once set up a quick scan of the garden showed a few rabbits, their eyes glowing bright in the beam of the ir torch. Two unlucky rabbits later I find myself on the move to try the other side of the large garden, when I say garden it's about the size of a football pitch.

Once more I'm sweeping the hedgerow on the hunt for the tell tale eye shine, I pick up on some movement waiting quietly the eye shine starts to walk towards me at this point I realised it wasn't a rabbit remember I said it walked toward me, thinking quickly I grabbed my iPhone and flicked on the camera what followed was a mixture of a balancing act, wonderment and frustration, balancing my iPhone trying to get still pictures and video footage the frustration of that and trying to get it in focus but above all sheer delight as a muntjac deer came within ten foot of me and only realised I was there when my coat brushed against a wall I was near.

 The muntjac fearing man turned tail and ran, not thinking the night could get any better I moved once more back to see if the rabbits had returned. Once more sweeping the hedgerows I spotted two big bright eyes this time a fox, no wonder the rabbits were scarce, while watching the fox I hear noise to my right panning right another set of eyes, this time a badger. This could be interesting .......
the badger seems in a playful mood running here and there bouncing about, the fox nose to the ground nose in the air slowly slowly one step at a time getting closer and close to the badger.

  Once more a fumble for my phone hoping not to scare either of them away, iPhone in place record button pressed just a case of waiting to see what nature will unfold, this time I wasn't going to disturb them, closer still they got to each other surely they will make contact, as it happens they walk straight past each other neither seeing hearing or smelling the other, happy there wasn't a conflict but at the same time a mild disappointment. Enough excitement for one night, I pack up my stuff and drive home knowing I have some reasonable pictures given the juggling / balancing and that next time I may see them again.
Watch this space I'll let you know what happens next time .

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